One Last Dance is an American romantic drama about three dancers in New York City, released in 2003. It was directed by Lisa Niemi, wife of actor Patrick Swayze. The movie starred both Swayze and Niemi.
It was filmed in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.
Three dancers are forced to reconcile their differences.. Husband and wife Patrick Swayze and Lisa Niemi team up for the dramatic tale of redemption. Travis (Swayze), Chrissa (Niemi) and Max (George De La Pena) were three students of master choreographer Alex McGrath, but had a falling out many years ago over a particularly difficult piece that Alex created just for them. But upon Alex's death, the three are reunited and agree to attempt the dance piece once more to save his company, in the process reopening old emotional wounds that were never properly healed. Featuring acclaimed choreography and dance scenes, One Last Dance allows Swayze and professional dancer Niemi to showcase their skills in a film written from the experiences and struggles of performing artists.